M. Making Youth Who Don’t Have A Support System of Their Own Our Number One Priority with the Full Support of Our Family
We have seen God do great things in the lives of youth who have the odds stacked against them. It is our prayer that these relationships will happen naturally and will be fresh and new every time.
A. Assisting the Schools in Academic, Behavioral, and Attendance Goals
We involve properly trained tutors, offer healthy meals, and fitness opportunities to our after-school program students. We are always looking for data collectors and counselors to offer one-on-one direction to our students in life skills and educational development.
S. Seeking Opportunities for Supporters to Grow in Their Faith
We have had several families intercede in the lives of individuals and families and have become connected outside of programming. We want to continue facilitating purposeful connections. We hold well-organized, fun and challenging work projects. Currently, we are looking for someone who would gather feedback on these projects and follow-up with volunteers.
T. Teaching Those Who Want to Follow
We want to challenge future students not just to follow Christ but pick up their crosses. We have drawn up a youth worker covenant contract that includes community service, educational goals, money, management lessons, and small group devotionals.
E. Encouraging through Sports Outreach
We always look to expand our presence on the athletic field.
R. Resources Acquired Through Hard Work
“Work 4 Stuff” provides opportunities for families to earn needed household furniture and appliances. We need more projects and volunteer supervisors who will follow through to the finish of projects for this program. We have trained our youth through many different work opportunities. We are looking for similar businesses to work with students to learn necessary skills and provide ongoing employment.
G. Ground Breaking
We will continue to work toward construction of a new youth center with money earned by our industrious leaders. We have completed the work of installing a Splash Pad on our property behind the Dairy Queen, and are now working towards installing a playground. We are continually renovating the properties that we own in order to use them in the most effective way possible to serve our community.
U. Undoing Years of Waste and Neglect to Our Community
We plan to use the buildings we own on 7th Ave. to teach construction skills to the youth in our work program through renovation efforts. It is our hope that we can facilitate our partnering churches’ outreach efforts through such projects.
N. New Ways to Grow Our Funding sources
We continue to define and strengthen our Board of Directors, understanding and use of Board governance, create a capital campaign team, and partner with trustworthy and like-minded non-profits.
S. Staying Focused on Our Solid Foundation
At every program, the Gospel is preached, Christ’s lessons are taught, and God’s word is shared. We tithe to other organizations, from unrestricted money, where we see we can help build the Kingdom of God.

Tiger Pause subscribes to a written statement of faith clearly affirming our commitment to honoring God in word and deed.
Doctrinal Statement:
We believe in the inspiration of the Bible (both the Old and New Testaments); the creation of man by the direct act of God; the incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; Jesus’ identification as the Son of God and His vicarious (substituting) atonement for the sins of humankind by the shedding of His blood and the regeneration by the Holy Spirit. We believe the gift of eternal life is available to us by the grace of God.
Staff and volunteers must agree to a lifestyle covenant that outlines expectations of God-honoring behavior.
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Please check our Facebook Page Tiger Pause Youth Ministry for the latest announcements, cancellations, and updates.