How You Can Help
We are looking for individuals with patience, flexibility and perseverance. Since many of our students face unique challenges, we want people who have an awareness of cultural differences, an enthusiasm for learning and an ability to inspire trust. Each year, Tiger Pause organizes and sends out dozens of volunteers into the Beaver Falls community to reach those with the greatest needs. You can also use your talents to serve the Lord and your neighbors through Tiger Pause programs.
Are you a business owner, manager, or salesperson?
Help us continue to promote our Work 4 Stuff program, which allows low-income individuals trade time and labor for household items. Consider partnering in our fund-raising efforts by purchasing ad space in our events programs.
Are you a contractor, construction worker, or tradesman?
Tiger Pause has a longstanding tradition of raising the quality of the workforce through vocational training programs. By giving disadvantaged youth carpentry, plumbing, electrical wiring and other basic home maintenance skills, it allows them to qualify for good-paying jobs and end the cycle of poverty.
Do you have a passion for education and working with children?
Become a tutor at one of our after-school program and coordinate activities, spend one-on-one time with students and help children reach their God-given potential. All volunteers who work with children in our program must complter our Volunteer Application prior to arrival at our program sites.
Does your church or service group have a desire to reach out to the community?
Each month, church groups, businesses and service clubs bring enthusiasm and energy to Tiger Pause programs. Whether it’s doing home repairs on a donated house, tearing down blighted properties, planting gardens or painting murals, each volunteer and team brings something unique to offer the Beaver Falls community.
Do you like to work with your hands and aren’t afraid to get dirty?
At Tiger Pause, we know that community development comes in many forms. The way a neighborhood looks has a psychological impact on its residents. Volunteers are needed each spring and summer to remove tree limbs, clear debris, plant gardens and grass and help keep the streets clean.
Do you want to be challenged and grow in new ways?
No matter what you do at Tiger Pause, you’ll be stretched in new ways and grow in your faith as a result. That’s a guarantee.
Do you have endowments to offer or property to donate?
Please remember Tiger Pause in your will or estate planning and leave a legacy of hope for future generations. By becoming a part of our legacy society, you will give a gift which helps Tiger Pause pass on Christ’s teachings and values to children yet to pass through our doors. Donated property is rehabilitated through our work skills program, after which we rent or sell the property. Email our director at [email protected] for more information on how you can bless the work of Tiger Pause with your generosity.

Foundation work on main street property
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” –Romans 12:6a, NIV
To help in any of the areas listed here, please contact us at: [email protected] for more info.