Board of Directors
Board of Directors

The executive director is accountable to the board. An executive director who causes or allows any practice, activity, decision or organizational circumstance that is unbiblical, unlawful, imprudent or in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics will be dismissed.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please email [email protected]. We will then forward it to the appropriate board member.
Board President:
Chuck Henderson
Beaver Falls School Teacher
Executive Director:
Matthew Nance
Kelly Miller
Owner, Health Hut
Tom Young
Wilke CPAs & Advisors, LLP, Advisory Manager
Tom Young
Wilke CPAs & Advisors, LLP, Advisory Manager
Larry Bettencourt
Head Pastor, Champion Life Church
Morris Book
Doctor, Retired
Dan Duffy
Kenny Williams
Kevin Flick
Partner/Financial Planner
Partner/Financial Planner
Lisa Signore
Director, Community Development Beaver County, Retired
Director, Community Development Beaver County, Retired