Volunteer Group Opportunities
In Beaver Falls Tiger Pause Youth Ministry is a vessel by which God shows the love of Christ for all people and God’s desire to “make all things new”. Service groups play a large role in this, keeping Tiger Pause and its’ facilities running like a well oiled machine and allowing our outreach efforts to grow. Over the years Tiger Pause has grown to have multiple ministry sites which require steady maintenance and care. Through ministry programs like our student-worker program and our ventures in community development we have our hands in the work of city beautification and business development, building relationships through the work of the Gospel in Beaver Falls.
This includes everything from painting our properties to organizing the Furniture Bank to more skilled jobs like masonry, roofing, and electrical work. Church groups, youth groups, college students, businesses, and volunteers have all been a part of the volunteer service at Tiger Pause. All the while groups get the opportunity to work with students from the community, our Tiger Pause staff, and other volunteer groups or people from Beaver Falls.
What Tiger Pause Provides:
Tiger Pause seeks to make sure all of our volunteer groups have a great experience in service. We provide meals for volunteer groups. We also provide any equipment and supplies necessary for our projects. If your group has a specific interest or passion for serving we would love to work with you! Let us know what your group is interested in doing. We foster a friendly environment for building relationships, furthering friendships, and teaching about community service through hands on experience.
Safety is a priority with Tiger Pause and complex projects are taken on with the help of skilled contractors. Groups can schedule any day of the week, though Saturdays tend work best. We have had anywhere from one volunteer up to 50 or more volunteers. No group is too big or small. “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few”. Many of our volunteers find themselves returning to help out throughout the year, which is a fantastic blessing.

To schedule a day for your group
to volunteer at Tiger Pause,
please call 724-843-2384 or
CLICK HERE to sign-up.
Tiger Pause Projects:
- Community garden
- Remodeling & repair to properties
- Painting & Cleaning
- Electrical wiring
- Cleaning after-school programs sites
- Landscaping
- Dry-walling & trim work
- Building shelves & storage
- Splash pad maintenance
- Coming soon saw mill and woodshop