Mentoring Program
Tiger Pause partners with Beaver County Children and Youth Services to offer a mentoring program to youth enrolled in the CYS Independent Living program. Those who elect to participate in this program are matched with a college aged mentor for support with education or career development. Youth in the program range in ages from 16 to 21. Therefore, a variety of support services are offered such as GED preparation, senior project completion, college application assistance, and career exploration. The mentoring program is built around educational goals and outcomes. However, our main desire is to model the love of Christ to each youth enrolled in the program.
Each youth completes a Mentoring Service Plan when they begin the program which outlines the goals of the mentoring relationship. The program’s focus on education is obtained through identifying academic areas of need for individual students and collaborating with CYS case workers, parents/guardians, and school staff to improve performance. In addition, youth are offered recreational activities where life skills are reinforced, career development opportunities where work skills are learned, and intentional and focused tutoring.
Tiger Pause is grateful for this partnership with Beaver County Children and Youth Services. This program allows us to reach struggling youth at a critical time when they searching for success, acceptance, and their path in life. As relationships are built, our mentors have the opportunity to share the life changing news of hope and redemption through Jesus Christ with these young adults.

Tiger Pause mentors older youth through Beaver County’s Child and Youth Services to assist at-risk youth in completing their high school education or G.E.D. and planning for college or vocational work.