Businesses & Services

Beez Cafe
- Beez Cafe – 1324 7th Ave., Beaver Falls Like us on Facebook
Hours: M-F – 8AM-3PM
A gathering place for locals, church groups, Bible studies, and visitors. Come sample our own custom roasted coffee, cappuccino, and many delightful beverages and treats available.

Furniture Bank
The Tiger Pause Furniture Bank provides furniture and appliances to low-income families. Tiger Pause workers arrange pick-up of donated items and safely move and deliver furniture for a nominal fee.

Eye of the Tiger Work Services
To request a quote call 724-843-2384 ext 7
Our Eye of the Tiger Work Program trains young men and women in skills needed for manual labor and professionalism in customer service. Our workers are hired for moving services, yard work, painting cleaning, reorganizing projects and any other manual labor task in both home and work environments.

Party and Event Rental
- Reach Church- 716 10th St, Beaver Falls PA
Call 724-843-2384 Ext 1 - Learn More
Needing space for that big family of yours? Let Tiger Pause help! We have plenty of space including an indoor turf field and rock wall. Tiger Pause also owns multiple blow ups such as a 18ft water slide, bouncy house, and gaga ball pit. Call us for more information about our packages!
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Please check our Facebook Page Tiger Pause Youth Ministry for the latest announcements, cancellations, and updates.